Been a little out of it and apologies to those of you who depend on me to keep the NCNCA CX site fresh. It seems just relaying info that people are sending me to the site in a timely is proving to be cumbersome, and for this, too, I must apologize. But alas, I don't get paid to do it and honestly it's hard for me to be on the sidelines. There are few things harder than watching a race (or a whole season) you'd much rather be riding in. I try very hard to hide it but on the inside I'm ashamed to say I am a bit too competitive to be a good sport about it all - which is why, when I can't race, I do my best to just stay away from it all.
Still, I schlepped Liam and Rowan down to the Pilarcitos opener because Tom graciously asked me, as last years champion, to send off the Elite race and to receive the honorary #1 plate. BTW "sending off" amounted to firing off a mini cannon with a shotgun shell in it (and setting a small grass fire in the process- Alec and I quickly jumped on it tho). It was great seeing some of y'all and it looked like some fine racing. Looking at the course I would have loved to race it - my kind of course for sure. Hung out near the S/F in the sun for an hour, chatting with a few folks and watching AJM ride away with the race. Liam sat patiently in the stroller (he's always found bike racing a bit boring) and Rowan spent his time trying to walk out onto the course and playing with 'lil Jade Robinson's tricycle.
Then I got the hell out of there.
Two years ago when I hurt my back, as a distraction I tried my hand at surfing - I found that paddling felt really good and it was much more interesting than swimming laps. But I was learning at Ocean Beach in SF, which is one of most notoriously difficult places to learn. The waves are fast, heavy, and on some days the paddle is so difficult many surfers never make it out to the lineup. Needless to say I didn't make much progress, but I had a little fun trying.
Right now, my back is feeling ok though there is still a bit of pain and sciatica - I can ride a bike ok but even thinking about a dismount still hurts. So, here I am again, in the same boat, as the saying goes - I'm back in the water. This year I have to admit I'm having a much better time of it, and I'm absolutely hooked (also stoked, pumped, and jonesin' for more).

Late Monday I surfed for a couple of hours and caught only 3 waves, yet somehow, I had a blast. I can't explain it, but just being out there in the lineup, watching these rollers come in, guys and girls getting up and carving up and down these beautiful waves...
A small serene pod of dolphins came by - one surfaced just a few feet from me. Another leaped out of a breaking wave and soared about 8' in the air in an arc past the setting sun.
I thought how fortunate I was to bear witness to such beauty in my everyday life.
...and, for the moment at least, I didn't think about anything I may be missing this Fall.